Mangrove Pit Viper / Shore Pit Viper (Pasir Ris Park)

Mangrove Pit Viper or Shore Pit Viper has became relatively easy to spot recently or maybe it was just plain luck. Along the mangrove board walk trail, there were at least 2 mangrove pit vipers when i was there on 1st November 2020. My objective was to try to look for the Mangrove Pitta, but instead received consolation in the sightings of the Viper's instead. Nevertheless it was a good outing. 

Mangrove Pit Viper or Shore Pit Viper
Mangrove Pit Viper / Shore Pit Viper

Mangrove Pit Viper or Shore Pit Viper at Pasir Ris Park 

Not easy to spot unless you are looking for them 
